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On September 11th, 2001, Mossad struck New York City, igniting a fire of war and xenophobia that has engulfed the entire globe. |
Welcome to hell madames and sirs, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies. Welcome to dystopia, a nightmarish incarnation where Orwellianism flourishes like fungus in the darkness of the forest and American jingoism and Western exceptionalism act as its foundational pillars. Welcome to a world where militarism is the religion of the masses and rituals of piety and righteousness include the spilling of innocent blood in faraway lands, inhabited by the undesirables commonly mislabeled as ‘ay-rabs and moozlums,’ or in classic Orwellian dialect understood in gleeful ignorance by these said masses, ‘extremists, terrorists, fanatics, islamofascists, despisers of freedom, haters of liberty.’
And the god of this sickening hyper-nationalistic religion? In accordance with the most deranged interpretation of monotheism, there can only be one and it is ‘Israel,’ the usurping supremacist entity evilly resting on the land that it usurped from the indigenous, the bones of the innocents that it slaughtered, the roots of the ancient trees that it uprooted and the history that it buried in the ‘nakba,’ Arabic’s chilling word for ‘catastrophe.’ This bastardized historical abomination, with its global matrix of Zionist operatives and sayanim (helpers) furthering its agenda on a second by second basis, which you, the West, bows down before in awe, begging for its acceptance, begging for a place in its dystopian reality, has fooled you all; a ‘nakba’ of your very own, only your nakba is not of unequivocal annihilation like that of the magnificent Palestinians who continue resisting this Zionist creature putrefying their land with each millisecond that passes. No, your nakba is a mental one, of the utmost severity. You suffer from the most horrific delusion known to modern man: the belief in the official 9/11 narrative, the 9/11 myth, the 9/11 mirage, the 9/11 lie of (literally) earth-shattering proportions.
Every last one of you that invokes this event, on that ominous September day in America, New York City specifically, in a disturbing, raging, religious matter to justify your belief that American blood is more precious than all other bloods on earth, that there is no ‘country’ greater than America, that the ‘evildoers’ must pay for what ‘they’ did on that day, is in effect, issuing a betrayal. Because in your jingoism, in your abhorrent, racist exceptionalism that essentially states that you, colonizers and occupiers, have suffered more than any other ethnic, religious or national group throughout the four corners of this globe, you have betrayed your true nature; a nature that you are too brainwashed to recognize even if it was placed directly in your optical pathway... the nature of inhumanity. So desensitized by the nationalistic pornography of the 9/11 narrative, you have become incapable of empathizing with the tens of millions murdered, raped, tortured, maimed, dispossessed and brutalized in your name. In the name of your ‘freedom,’ your ‘democracy’ and laughably, your ‘values.’
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Fully backed by Western exceptionalism and American jingoism, the usurping entity of 'Israel' has become an object of worship in the USA. |
The first inquiry is rendered non sequitur by the second and the second, is amplified as it is unified with the third. The answers to these inquires turn your dream into a nightmare, your happiness into misery, your pathetic excuse of an existence, one that is built chiefly on lies, into an unrecognizable world where truth reigns supreme. The truth is a flavor not known by the taste buds of the masses and though they may not be cognizant of it, they hunger for it in a primal way.
What is ironic, nay, what is the glimmering pinnacle of irony, is that the object of your worship, your deity, that supremacist dragon that refers to itself as the ‘Jewish state,’ which you vehemently and hopelessly believe represents ‘the only true friend that America possesses in the Middle East,’ is the very reason that you are so disturbingly and disgracefully jingoistic. The Zionist creature occupying Palestine is the very reason why your ignorance has reached levels as radioactive as the streets of Baghdad, Basra and Fallujah after your army invaded and hammered Iraq with depleted uranium in March 2003. The usurping regime of ‘Israel’ is the culprit behind the September 11th carnage and it is its international media monopoly that is responsible for manipulating your thought patterns into the warped way that you currently think.
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There is nothing about the official (read: Zionist) 9/11 narrative that stands up to scrutiny; the truth is being ruthlessly suppressed. |
So, know this, o’ masses of sheep. Know this as you obey the decrees of ‘Israel,’ your god of death, and make pilgrimage to the ‘hallowed ground’ of Ground Zero, your temple, renewing your allegiance to your cult of breathtakingly boneheaded jingoism on a yearly basis every September 11th. Know that everything that you have ever been told about that September day is a lie. Every. Last. Drop of it.
Swallow it; like the pills forced upon you by the crooked medical industry, side effects and all. Welcome to hell madames and sirs, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies. Welcome to dystopia. Welcome to the world that the Zionist entity built in the wake of 9/11. The following questions are the answers that validate the charge; and validate is indeed the appropriate term, death to ‘alleged,’ to ‘reportedly.’ Death to silence and death to gatekeeping. ‘Israel’ is the culprit and it should be shouted from every rooftop in America, from ghetto to trailer park, barrio to project, Wall Street to Main Street. From there, let it spread like flowers in Spring, defying borders, enlightening all.
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There is not a single aspect of the 9/11 attack that does not lead back to the Zionist entity. |
Does the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) in 1993 invoke the most nostalgic aspects of your belligerent jingoistic religion, making you gleefully cry out in ‘the dawn’s early light?’ This was the precursor, in which the FBI and Mossad worked together in perfect, murderous unison, executing a false flag of psychological warfare that would remain embedded in the minds of all those onlookers as they blindly accepted the Zionist media’s lies on September 11, 2001, remembering 1993 as the ‘historical precedent.’ It was Rabbi Dov Zakheim’s Tridata Corporation, a subsidiary of Systems Planning Corporation (SPC), that would oversee the investigation of the 1993 op, covering the tracks of FBI and Mossad and absorbing the most intricate pieces of intelligence for it was granted unlimited access to the World Trade Center. Rabbi Zakheim would rear his ugly, conniving, traitorous head again on that infamous September day.
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The 'Americans' of PNAC were in reality, high-level sayanim doing the bidding of their masters in the intelligence circles of the Zionist regime. |
Do Rita Katz, daughter of an executed ‘Israeli’ spy, former Zionist occupation soldier and founder of SITE Intelligence Group, and Ben Venzke, Mossad agent and founder of the Intel Center, fill you with the very essence of the ‘land of the free?’ It is these two assets of the Zionist intelligence matrix that have been pumping your brains full of Al-Qaeda boogeyman stories, phony ‘Islamic terror’ plots and fake Bin Laden videos for the last decade. It is Katz and Venzke who provide government agencies and the Zionist media with their ‘expertise’ on Arab-Muslim affairs. Expertise, in this context, is synonymous with dissemination of pernicious hasbara. Does the name of ‘Islamic extremist’ Adam Yahiye Gadahn strike fear in your heart? Ben Venzke’s Intel Center has consistently peddled his video messages to the Zionist media. Gadahn is no more an ‘Islamic extremist’ than Katz or Venzke; he is an Ashkenazi Jewish actor, sayan and grandson of an ADL director.
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Michael Goff: Zionist extremist, Mossad asset, 9/11 criminal. |
Does the sound of the names Lewis Eisenberg, Larry Silverstein, Frank Lowy and Ronald Lauder give you hope in ‘the havoc of war and the battles’ confusion?’ Eisenberg is a dedicated member of the Zionist lobby and chaired the Port Authority at the time of the September 11th attacks. Silverstein is an ultra-Zionist and prominent board member of the intensely pro-Israel United Jewish Appeal. Lowy is an ex-Haganah terrorist, former Golani Brigades commando and Zionist billionaire. And Lauder is head of the Zionist cosmetics firm, Estee Lauder, a member of at least seven Zionist lobby organizations, founder of a disciplinary school for Mossad on ethnically cleansed Palestinian land and the person predominantly responsible for transferring the World Trade Center from public to private hands; private Zionist hands, that is. These four men orchestrated the privatization of the World Trade Center, finalizing Zionist control over it in the weeks leading up to the attack. Silverstein would take out an anti-terrorism insurance policy on the WTC just 6 weeks before it was brought down and in the aftermath, he would profit in the billions thanks to the finagling of Jewish-Zionist judge Michael Mukasey, who manipulated the insurance case in Silverstein’s favor.
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As NYC burned, Zionists scrambled to profit off of the bloodshed and get rid of the evidence linking them to the crime. |
Does Michael Bloomberg, brutally ardent Zionist, billionaire and current mayor of New York City, make you feel that the United States of America is ‘indivisible?’ Bloomberg ascended to the mayoral position in the wake of 9/11 and it is he who awarded the cleanup contract to Ratner. It is he who covered up Zionist criminal and AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg’s put option scheme with Bear Stearns and Swiss Re Insurance, further burying Greenberg’s profiteering role in the 9/11 onslaught. And it is he who transformed New York into a quasi-military dictatorship and Islamophobic police state with the help of former CIA chief, David Cohen, a Zionist who headed the agency’s analytical and operational divisions. Cohen has now created New York City’s very own version of the CIA, a mini-intelligence apparatus with full military capability; he, naturally, is its head. Its primary target has been none other than the Big Apple’s Muslim community, which it has spied on excessively since Cohen arrived in New York just four months after 9/11. NYPD’s raids on the Muslim community are modeled after none other than ‘Israeli’ occupation forces’ savagery in the occupied West Bank. Bloomberg has gone above and beyond ‘zionizing’ New York City; he has put its social and ethnic infrastructure through full blown ‘Israelification.’ For the record, Cohen worked for Greenberg’s AIG before being tapped by Bloomberg.
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Jerome Hauer: Zionist extremist, top-level sayan, murderer of former FBI counter-terrorism chief John P. O'Neil. |
Kroll’s primary agent was Jerome Hauer, a close associate of Larry Silverstein. Hauer’s role is especially evil. He placed the Office of Emergency Management inside Building 7, much to the dismay of the NYPD. When Larry Silverstein issued the infamous order to ‘pull it,’ and demolish the structure, classified information in that office, information linking the CIA and several Zionist companies involved with insider trading prior to 9/11, was destroyed with it. Hauer also neutralized a true American patriot, former FBI counter-terrorism chief, John O’Neil, giving him a job in the World Trade Center and setting him up to die when Flight 11 was precision-guided into the secure computer room of Marsh-McLennan Company/Kroll in the North Tower. Hauer, Kroll and the Greenbergs have never even been questioned for their devilish, murderous roles in the 9/11 horror.
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Rabbi Dov Zakheim: one of the major players of the 9/11 false attack and a man fully dedicated to the preservation of the racist Zionist regime. |
Ronald Lauder is another criminal Zionist personality whose role must be noted once again, as he assuredly allows you to understand the abyssal meaning of ‘freemen shall stand.’ Prior to privatizing the World Trade Center and assisting its transference to Zionist criminals Silverstein and Lowy, the don of the Estee Lauder empire helped privatize Stewart Airport in Newburgh, New York. It is in the skyways above Stewart Airport, where the flight paths of Rabbi Zakheim’s remote-controlled airplanes, fully formatted with Flight Termination Systems, would converge and make their way to their final destination in Manhattan. To this very moment, Lauder serves in full, Zionist capacity as a Mossad sayan, spewing propagandistic vitriol through the World Jewish Congress against Muslims, Arabs, pro-Palestine intelligentsia and of course, in defense of ‘the only democracy in the Middle East,’ the usurping Zionist enterprise.
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War criminal Netanyahu thought the 9/11 attacks were 'very good for Israel.' |
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These two Zionist heavyweights played critical roles in assuring Mossad's operation on 9/11 'ran smoothly.' |
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'Israel' was running the largest spying operation in the history of America. What are friends for? |
Many of them also worked for Comverse Technology, run by Zionist intelligence mainstay Kobi Alexander, a firm that equips dozens of law enforcement agencies in America with wire-tapping tech. Alexander also had a minute stake in the Zionist telecom company, Odigo, which he upgraded to full ownership 3 months after 9/11, solidifying a deal with the ‘Israeli’ Ronen brothers, Avner and Maskit. It was an expansion of an already massive Zionist spying operation. Odigo is the firm now known all over the world for warning 4,000 ‘Israelis’ in the New York area with text messages just shortly before Rabbi Zakheim’s planes rammed into the WTC. Alexander and his Comverse partners, William Sorin and David Kreinberg, both of whom served in ‘Israeli’ intelligence, were under investigation from US federal prosecutors for multiple fraud charges but were allowed to leave the country in utterly bizarre circumstances. One week prior to 9/11, Zim Integrated Shipping Services, an outfit partially owned by the Zionist entity, paid $50,000.00 to break its lease and shift its offices to Norfolk, Virginia. Despite the blatant suspiciousness, no Zim official was ever questioned for the motivation behind leaving such a prime location, in the business capital of the USA, one week prior to 9/11.
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Michael Chertoff: dual-citizen of 'Israel,' son of Mossad, chief 9/11 strategist. |
Purging the ‘Israeli’ spy ring from the public’s collective memory, the son of Mossad orchestrated the capture of at least 1,100 Muslim citizens, tourists and immigrants, falsely labeling them as suspects connected to the September 11th attacks. These innocents were tortured in secret facilities, denied access to a lawyer and psychologically abused in secret military tribunals before they were deported, or released back into society with no chance of retribution for the criminal acts committed against them. On the social-political front, Chertoff is the personality solely responsible for the destruction of America’s civil liberty in the post-9/11 era, as it was he who wrote the Patriot Act months in advance of the attack. Chertoff’s Zionist cousin, Benjamin Chertoff, wrote multiple pieces in the 9/11 aftermath, smearing all those who vigorously sought the truth of what really took place on that day.
Would you like some other prominent examples that will unquestionably send your ‘I love America’ meter through the roof?
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The 9/11 false flag event is crawling with Zionists, from top to bottom, pillar to post. |
Zionist lawyer Kenneth Feinberg set up the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund at the behest of his overlords in ‘Israel,’ forcing every family that lost someone in the 9/11 attacks to waive their right to sue the Zionist-occupied US government for criminal negligence in exchange for $1.25 million worth of blood money. Alvin Hellerstein, the Orthodox Jewish judge with dominion over all 9/11-related litigation, has blocked legal discovery, prevented a trial from even taking place and steered clear of the public eye to bury his role in 9/11. Hellerstein’s ties to the Zionist dragon run deep, as his son, Joseph Z. Hellerstein, lives on an illegal Zionist settlement in the occupied West Bank and works for the ‘Israeli’ law firm, Amit, Pollak and Matalon. Joseph’s law firm has a close working relationship with ICTS and the Mossad-run SCP Partners. Alvin and Joseph, prior to their most recent endeavors, previously worked for the historically-Rothschild-linked law firm of Stroock, Stroock and Lavan, which represented ultra-Zionist Larry Silverstein in his acquisition of the WTC lease.
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Sheila Birnbaum: Zionist extremist, agent of Judge Hellerstein, worst nightmare of the 9/11 victims' families. |
James Schlesinger, an 'ethnic' Jew and devout Zionist and your former Secretary of Defense and ex-director of the CIA, runs a corporation known as MITRE that played a central role in subverting air traffic control networks on 9/11. Schlesinger’s family has historic ties to the Zionist entity, with his father serving as the budget chairman of the Steven Wise Free Synagogue, a known front for ‘Israeli’ fundraising. MITRE is the ‘trusted mentor’ of the FAA and worked hand-in-glove with the previously-discussed P-Tech in reducing NORAD’s grids to rubble on 9/11. MITRE’s software is embedded in FAA offices across the country; everything that goes on in the air on a daily basis in the United States runs through MITRE’s national computer meshwork. Yosef A. Maiman, a Mossad operative that chairs a powerful consortium of ‘Israeli’ energy firms known as the Merhav Group of ‘Israel,’ positioned himself as one of the most influential men in Central Asia by taking control of Turkmenistan’s natural gas and forging an atmosphere where the Zionist entity will be the sole profiteer of energy production in the region via the TAPI pipeline, a Zionist project that runs through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Hindutvadi-controlled India. This is the real reason behind the demonic, destructive invasion of Afghan land.
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Americans should be furious about the Zionist dragon's orchestration of 9/11. They should demand its irrevocable boycott immediately. |
Instead, truly in the essence of your ignorance, a glorified state of mental impotence, you slash the throats of Muslim cabdrivers, urinate on the floors of mosques, desecrate the holy book of more than a quarter of the world’s population, beat Arab teenagers to death with baseball bats, jeer, slander and verbally abuse Muslim students from every part of the nation, rip the hijab off of Muslim women and stomp on it in some sort of sick display of American secularism, another Orwellian euphemism for hedonism with a mask of falsely-perceived 'righteousness,' spy on Arabs and Muslims with your murderous intelligence agencies, violating every inch of their civil rights, call for Muslims to be registered and identified with special markings and have your congressman, all of whom of owned by the Zionist entity, hold hearings on the eventuality of placing Muslims in internment camps, like you did to the Japanese 70 years ago.
And then are your troops; yes, your oh-so-special troops. ‘Support them’ you must, ‘God bless them,’ you pray. Meanwhile your troops, your imperial commandos, your bloodthirsty, trigger-happy maniacs in uniform, are not defending your freedoms or ‘fighting them over there before they have to fight them over here,’ they are engaging in crimes against humanity of the highest order; genocide, the heinousness of which, the world has yet to fully process. And they are perpetrating this inhumanity for ‘Israel,’ for its preservation as the ruling state of this globe; spilling Amalekite blood unstoppably in a ritual sacrifice to ‘bring liberation.’ The Amalekites, ancient enemies of Zion, modern day’s Arabs, Persians and Muslims, must be killed for ‘Israel’ to satisfy its bloodlust. What liberation, you ask? Liberation of resources from indigenous, sovereign hands to be delivered into the greedy paws of Zionist beasts. Don’t you know that the Zionist god of your jingoistic, halfwit ‘faith’ considered 9/11 a strategic advantage and a ‘pressure reliever’ on the international stage? Don’t you know that the Talmudic rabbinate, the real governors of world Jewry and global Zionism, sincerely think that 9/11 is the fulfillment of a prophecy that they wrote about four centuries ago? Don’t you know that they think it is the culmination of the ‘Judgement of Nations?’
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Here are the targets of Zionist Jewry's 'war on terror,' the innocent, savagely-oppressed children of occupied Afghanistan. |
Are you even capable of fathoming the level of this destruction; of this ongoing massacring of human beings, no different than you or your loved ones? Imagine your family and closest friends torn to smithereens by a bunker buster bomb while they watched their favorite sport, or your youngest and most precious daughter ripped from her bed in a night raid by masked men holding machine guns and raped, repeatedly, and then shot in her head before you and your husband were killed next. This is Afghanistan, every. Single. Day. Without fail. There is a gut-wrenching plethora of stories to tell, too many, really, as the ten year anniversary of the illegal occupation approaches. So, there will simply be one; one which embodies the NATO-Zionist savagery in its entirety. It was March 1st, 2011, when NATO dropped a bomb in Kunar Province, slaughtering 9 Afghan children collecting firewood. Do pieces of firewood threaten America’s ‘national security?’ 9 children, each one a beacon, snuffed out in a blaze; snuffed out like the embers of a campfire fading away.
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The same criminals that planned and executed the 9/11 false flag attack, are the same criminals that skewered Iraq beyond recognition. Zionist psychopaths, the lot of them. |
Fallujah, where the occupation unleashed a devastating medley of napalm, mark-77, white phosphorus and depleted uranium, is a place where the flesh of innocents becomes water and their bones become sand but since their remains are too radioactive to absorb, the earth spits them back out in pain. Basra, where depleted uranium is as common as the most ancient of Iraqi dates, is place that has burned in violent semi-nuclear conflagration for more than two decades, where cancer in children is normal like their play on a summer day and mothers scream out in rage, in sadness, because they have just given birth to another baby with two heads; three hands; three legs; their organs on the outside; a misshapen body; an exposed brain; horror, on top of unspeakable horror. Karbala and Najaf, places of peace, unity and holiness, shake uncontrollably, every day, as car bombs planted by Mossad operatives rip mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, sheikhs and pupils, to shreds as they bow before their Creator, begging for freedom from the hell brought down upon their heads by the Zionist dragon and its PNAC agents. Their prayers are answered, in martyrdom. Iraq, a gaping hole in humanity’s conscious, the flow of innocent blood endlessly streaming. The body count is over 2.5 million since the occupation began.
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The Zionist dragon desperately wants to see the Islamic Republic of Pakistan destroyed. |
Yemen has been turned into a living nightmare, where at least one predator drone strike is carried out every day. Hundreds of innocents have been murdered in these senseless acts of insane violence; these illegal crimes against all that is good and pristine. And for what? Why is Obama the bomber, America’s ‘first Jewish President’ according to the Zionists that nurtured him and brought him into power, bombing Yemen? Because of Al-Qaeda? The same Al-Qaeda that doesn’t exist and never has existed? No, ‘the first Jewish President’ is bombing Yemen because the more Amalekites that are dead, the happier the Zionists are. Somalia, once at peace, a time that seems to have existed more than a millennia ago, is now quite literally struggling for its very survival as the Zionist Power Configuration and its imperial marionettes manipulate famine and drought, while mixing in drone strikes and torturous black site prisons, under the watchful eye of a joint Western-backed AU-UN occupation. Tens of thousands of innocents have paid in blood for these Zionist tactics; paid with their very lives. Libya, despite all of the Zionist media's farcical ‘revolution’ coverage, is becoming another Iraq right before the eyes of the world, and every bit of misery, every frame of the bloodshed, has been organized by ‘Israel.’
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Over the last decade, since that fateful day in September, the enforcers and proxies of international Zionism have carried out at least 1,665 '9/11s.' |
The Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria are being prepped for their moment on international Zionism’s chopping block and, as if it even needs to be said, Lebanon, occupied Palestine and occupied Kashmir are all suffering immeasurably at the hands of the Zionist entity (and its Hindutvadi partner in crime in Kashmir) which upped its oppression ten fold with the inauguration of Netanyahu’s ‘war on terror’ construct. The genocides known as the July War of 2006 and Operation Cast Lead are still excruciatingly singed into the memories of every Arab, every Muslim, every lover of humanity across the globe. Statistically, in terms of numbers, around 1,665 9/11s have occurred throughout the Islamic world at the hands of this Zionist criminal network since 9/11. There was a 9/11 happening every single day in the opening years of the illegal Zionist occupation of Iraq. Remember this when you disconnect from this plane and begin speaking in tongues; ‘never forget,’ you idiotically and pseudo-religiously spout. Your 9/11 is unique in a regard however, because it never happened to you before. 9/11-like massacres in the world of the ‘ay-rabs and moozlums’ continue happening with disturbing regularity and the only reply that you can offer is silence; deafening, wide-eyed silence.
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Pointing out 9/11 as an 'Israeli' war crime, one on a laundry list of 'Israeli' war crimes, has been labeled 'anti-Semitic' by the ADL, a Zionist intelligence front. |
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Zionism: 14-year old Abeer al-Janabi was gang raped and slaughtered along with her family by occupying forces in Yusufiyyah, Iraq. |
Remember it when you think of the families incinerated by predator drone hellfire missiles while they’re praying in their mosque in Pakistan, playing in their gardens in Somalia or eating in their homes in Yemen. Remember it when you think of the NATO mustard gas and depleted uranium that has devastated the Libyan town of Bani Walid. Remember it when you think of Lebanon, its homes, mosques, hospitals, schools and churches cluster bombed to death by the Zionist dragon during the July War. Remember it when you think of the malevolent massacres carried out by ‘Israel’ in occupied Palestine, from Jenin to the illegally besieged Gaza Strip. ‘Never forget’ that humanity is what unites all of us in this struggle to the death against this monolithic Zionist menace.
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Never forget September 11th, 2001, Mossad's 'masterpiece' false flag, and all of the innocents that lost their lives as a result of it; on the day and after. |
Remember that the 9/11 delusion will die when it is recognized as such and when the victims of it, from New York City to occupied Afghanistan and everywhere in between, are recognized as the same, precious innocents; all of them. With this, the inhumanity against Muslims, Arabs and their friends, forced upon the world by the Zionist dragon, will die too. From that moment, the next phase of the struggle for liberation can be initiated; the struggle to rebuild our societies destroyed by this Zionist world system and more specifically, this ‘war on terror,’ a colonial crusade against Islam forged in the fiery dungeons of Jewish supremacism. What lies before us is a struggle of reconstruction, based on truth, justice, unity and humanity. Glorious humanity. This, more than anything, frightens the Zionist entity and shakes it to the very core because, humanity is the antithesis to Zionism. It is the force that will transform the global ‘Israeli’ empire into nothing but a blip on the radar of history. And it is coming soon; so, so very soon. Insha’ALLAH.
~ The End ~
9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
The Secret World Of Jack Abramoff: Terrorists, Torpedoes And Republican ‘Muscle’ by Daniel Hopsicker, Mad Cow Morning News
Full Text: Osama Bin Laden’s September 2001 Interview With Karachi-Based Daily Ummat – Denies Involvement In 9/11; Insists Opposition To US ‘System,’ Not People; Warns Of Military-Industrial Complex by Empire Strikes Black
9/11 Ten Years On: There Are No Excuses For Buying The Myth by Martin Iqbal, The Empire Strikes Black
Do Jews Dominate In American Media? And So What If We Do? by Phillip Weiss, Mondoweiss
How Jewish Is Hollywood? by Joel Stein, The Los Angeles Times
Who Did 9/11 - OBL, Bush Or Mossad? The Evidence by Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq, Ascertain The Truth
With CIA Help, NYPD Moves Covertly In Muslim Areas by Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, The Associated Press
Opinion – Ronald S. Lauder On The Tenth Anniversary Of 9/11 by The World Jewish Congress
Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – Israel’s War: From Subversion To Aggression by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Top Secret: Ehud Olmert’s 9/11 Visit To NYC by Christopher Bollyn; Ehud Olmert’s Ties To 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn, Rumor Mill News
7/7: The Terror Drill, The Military Explosives And The Israeli Connection; Section – Usual Suspects: Mossad Enters The Frame by Martin Iqbal, The Empire Strikes Black
26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai; Section – Show Me The Terror, I’ll Show You The Money by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Judge Hellerstein’s Unethical Connection To Key Defendant In 9/11 Lawsuit by Christopher Bollyn
Overseer Of 9/11 Health Fund Is Chosen by Raymond Hernandez, The New York Times
The Denial Of Justice For 9/11 Victims by Christopher Bollyn; Mayor Giuliani, Senator D’Amato And Israeli Intelligence by Christopher Bollyn
Is MITRE The Trojan Horse Of 9/11? by Christopher Bollyn
26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai; Section – The Peace Pipeline by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Reversing Natural Relations by Professor James Petras, Al-Ahram Weekly
Congressman James Traficant Speaks Out About The Strangehold That The Israeli Lobby Has Over Washington D.C. by Intifada Palestine
Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – Conclusion: Purim And Occupation by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Israel Strives To Import America’s War On Terror by Aluf Benn, Haaretz
9-11 - A Date Awaited By The Rabbinate For The Past 400 Years? by Wake Up From Your Slumber
NATO Kills Nine Children In Afghan Airstrike: Provincial Police Say Children Were Collecting Firewood by Jason Ditz, Antiwar.com
The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion; Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion; Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt; Section – Hostile Environment II: Destruction Of Occupied Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Army Of Widows, Orphans Trail US War by Press TV
Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt; Section – Hostile Environment I: Humiliation In Pakistan by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Interview With Pakistani Analyst Zaid Hamid: Essential Context On The ‘War On Terror’ by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
PSYWAR: The Fake Fall Of Tripoli And The Zionist Dragon’s Butchery Across Palestine I by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Ten Years After 9/11, Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Alive And Well by The Anti-Defamation League Of B'nai B'rith
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak (rip), Pluto Press
The Ugly Truth About The ADL by The Executive Intelligence Review
NATO Using Chemical Weapons In Bani Walid by Libya 360°
Disgrace 9-117, ground-zio, ground-zio..
ReplyDeleteEvery name you threw out .... I remembered their hideous faces. Lauder, his eyes are pure empty evil, his photo made my stomach turn when I saw it. I had no idea who he was, just the pure unadulterated vileness of spirit. Like Chertoff, that Lubavitch mossad monster. Lifeless. All of them soul-less, every bloody one of them.
ReplyDeleteYour voice is very strong in this article, Brother. Very powerful, potent, cutting. Yet somehow your writing is poetic at the same time.
Masterfully done. Thank you.
Peace and blessings Noor,
ReplyDeleteLifeless, soulless, monstrous, vile; all accurate adjectives for these Zionist maggots.
As always, I'm humbled by your words (a phrase I am using a lot as of late). Thank you for reading sister.
~ Ziah
To be charmed by snakes..
ReplyDelete53m - zakheim shooting down aircraft
file is 420mb.
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
ReplyDeleteEverything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.
I've never seen a work on 911 that united all of the different ziocriminal elements and all the struggles of the muslim peoples like this. This a real masterpiece work brother Ziah, mabrook. - Ayoob, South Africa
ReplyDeletegreat piece of work akhi !
May ALLAH (SWT) bless both of you brothers, Ayoob and Abu Suleyman,
ReplyDeleteI pray you both had a wonderful Ramadan and Eid. Insha'ALLAH this piece will spread across continents and awaken all those who are sleeping.
~ Ziah
This is an amazing piece of work here. I'm putting a link to this on my youtube page if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteI like the new format and picture viewer :)
ReplyDeleteGreat work from a good guy.
We came to America on ships, we came to the Promised land, we brought Jesus to the natives and civilized them. We did them a big favor because we are the chosen ones. They disappeared we know not where, nor do we care, we know we were right. (we are not truth seekers here)
ReplyDeleteWa alaikoum el salaam my dear brother Andre!
ReplyDeleteI called you earlier but got the voicemail, insha'ALLAH I will reach you tomorrow so we can catch up. And you hit the nail on the head akhi, this society that we currently reside in is mentally deficient in a supreme way and only their awakening will end the 'American Nakba' and slowly deteriorate the Zionist Power Configuration.
To Genie, that was was exactly the point of the article; that racist, colonial, supremacist mindset which of course, needs to be eroded. Phenomenal observation.
To all others, peace be upon you for reading.
~ Ziah
glad tidings brother 'ziah!
ReplyDeleteanother superior work, i would say, your best to date. i will be spreading it around to all the emails i have in maghazi and deir el bala7. if only everybody of the whole world could see the names of the zionist agents you lay out here and how much bad they have brought to us. thank you for your efforts.
__ Mohamed Issa __
Jonathan Azaziah IS GREAT! STUNNING!
ReplyDeleteI have been listening to Jonathan Azaziah in recent days and he has left me speechless! The young man can deliver! He speaks very eloquently and with passion. But most amazing is the depth of his knowledge. He is well versed in the conflict in the Arab region caused by foreign, alien, colonizing European Jews who arrived on Arab soil wrapped around with the word 'Jew'. "Here we are", they said, to re-claim their ancient 'homeland'. Two problems with this theory. 1. They need to look in the mirror and staring back at them is nobody that resembles the Arab people of the region. They look alien just as the Italians did in Ethiopia and the Belgians did in the Congo. They are foreign colonizers with a new and deceptive name ideology called 'Zionism'. 2. No one on this planet would vacate their homes to someone who comes busting in through the door and claims ownership to the land title granted to him by his 'Jewish God' and given just for 'love and affection' and free of charge and about 2000 years ago. No, no, no! UNCLE SAM delivered Arab land to International Jewry.
We need hundreds and thousands of Jonathan Azaziah's to help the Palestinian cause.
ReplyDeleteI am a secular truth lover and thank you for this master piece. I put it on Facebook and google+ for more people to read it. You are amazing!
ReplyDeleteGood work brother.
ReplyDeleteMy site: http://zioncrimefactory.com/
Drop by sometime or you can email @ zioncrimefactory@hotmail.com
To Zion Crime Factory:
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and reading brother! I am quite familiar with your work and it is nothing short of phenomenal, I will definitely send you an email tomorrow God willing.
To Captain Zen, Leena and brother Mohamed:
All of you are far, far too kind; thank you all sincerely!
In solidarity,
~ Ziah
Dear Jonathan,
ReplyDeleteThank you for so carefully putting this piece together. As well as all the other efforts you make to share the truth each and every chance you get.
I was pointed into your direction by a very dear friend and I'm very grateful for it. I am only at the beginning of seeing the truth and far from understanding it fully yet, so your work is a great resource for expanding my knowledge.
I would also like to compliment you on your extraordinary way of writing. There is true power and conviction to be felt in your words.
May peace be with you,
Google: Israel Did 911 All The Proof
ReplyDeleteGoogle Israel Did 911 All The Proof
ReplyDeleteYou? Are amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe entire world is being held to ransom by the sociopathic, supremacist death-cult known as Zionism - for now. But I can sense the first ripples of change in the air. The good is beginning to out. The mask is beginning to slip. The identity of the spider at the centre of the web is becoming more and more obvious, and ordinary people will not stand for the spider's crap once they realise just how much evil it has been responsible for.
You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I
ReplyDeletefind this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand.
It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the
hang of it!
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